Tuesday, 16 June 2009

GP Content Workshops

3 independent content sessions will be offered on June/July:

Theme 1: Science & Technology; Religion, philosophy and morality (***Highly recommended!)
Theme 2: Globalization, Poverty & Singapore Issues
Theme 3: Gender roles; Feminism

Material to be issued for each sessions:
Relevant content information and reading articles,
4 different sample essays from RJC/HCI,
1 comprehension passage with sample AQ. (View some of these material from my March 09 Archives)

Lessons will be conducted on Saturdays, and each session will last for 3 hours. Available time slots: 12pm to 3pm and 4pm to 7pm.

All these sessions run independently, so you can attend any session that teaches the theme you like.

Affordable fees: $180 per student (inclusive of material fees)
If you form your own groups of maximum three students, before registering, the discounted fees per student is $80.

*All Saturday content session classes have been fully booked. I am now opening new slots, which will be conducted on Monday evenings from 6pm - 9pm.

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